The Critical Role of MicroLED Testing for Durability and Quality

microLED testing

MicroLEDs have the potential to change displays completely with their amazing characteristics, but rigorous microLED testing is necessary to guarantee their dependability and long-term performance.

According to a report by Mordor Intelligence, the MicroLED market is expected to increase at a CAGR of 82.19% to USD 21.29 billion by 2028

This exponential increase emphasizes the importance of efficient testing techniques. Thorough microLED testing must evaluate display uniformity, color consistency, thermal management to prevent overheating, and electrical properties to ensure optimal performance and reliability. 

This field’s patent landscape is likewise changing quickly. For example: 

Yole Développement reports that the microLED space has seen a spike in patent activity, with around 9,000 patents from 480 organizations. 

Let us explore the crucial processes required in thorough microLED testing, emphasizing how they relate to quality, durability, and the expanding field of patents. 

MicroLED Testing: Paving the Way for Next-Gen Displays 

Some major companies, including Sony, Samsung, and LG, offer tiled ultra-large-sized microLED TVs. Besides, dozens of companies also develop microLED technologies, components, and processes. So, the industry’s future certainly looks optimistic.

MicroLED displays have advanced recently, allowing for the incorporation of more sophisticated sensors because of the reduced emitter size in relation to the display’s pixel area. This achieves richer functionality, including 2D and 3D image capture, touch, and hover sensing.

Examples of Patents in MicroLED Testing

Some of the examples in microLED testing include:

  • US11728225B2: The patent details a verification method for micro LEDs, which are microscopic LEDs used in high-resolution displays. Here’s a breakdown with more details:
  • Verification Substrate: This is the core of the invention. It’s a platform for testing multiple micro LEDs simultaneously.
  • Verification Chips: The substrate is dotted with these tiny test pads, each acting as an individual verification unit.
  • Components of a Verification Chip:
    • Contacts: Each chip has two electrical contacts, likely metallic layers, deposited on a base layer (lower substrate). One is on the bottom (first contact) and the other on top (second contact), with an insulating layer (passivation layer) in between.
    • Bumps: These are small protrusions, likely made of metal, that connect to the corresponding contacts. They rise above the topmost passivation layer for easy physical contact with the micro LEDs.

How it Works:

  1. An array of micro LEDs is placed on the verification substrate, with each micro LED likely corresponding to a single verification chip.
  2. Since the bumps on the chip connect to the contacts, electrical testing can be done. By applying voltage or current through the bumps, the functionality of the micro LED connected to it can be verified.
  3. The advantage lies in the ability to test many micro LEDs simultaneously due to the multiple verification chips on the substrate. This speeds up the verification process compared to testing individual LEDs.

US11366153B2: This describes a process for assembling LED displays:

  • Testing individual LEDs: They start with a wafer containing many tiny LED chips. Each chip is tested using an array of pins, and the results are stored.
  • Preparing the pieces: The wafer is cut into individual LED chips on a special tape. A separate substrate containing the driving circuits for the display is prepared.
  • Matching and placement: The tape is stretched to perfectly match the spacing of the LEDs on the circuit board.
  • Smart placement: A special tool uses the stored test results to precisely place each LED chip onto the circuit board, ensuring only chips with matching specifications are used.

MicroLED Testing: Ensuring Durability and Quality for Next-Generation Displays

MicroLED technology can achieve greater performance, revolutionizing the display industry. However, the fulfillment of this promise depends on the long-lasting and high-quality microLEDs. Let us review some key aspects: 

1. Unmatched Visual Performance

Compared to LED-backlit liquid crystal displays (LCDs) or organic LED (OLED) displays, microLEDs offer faster response times, wider viewing angles, reduced power consumption, and higher pixel densities. 

2. Sunlight Visibility

Also, they provide an order-of-magnitude higher brightness in direct sunlight than OLED or LCD screens, which is vital for mobile devices and a critical enabler for near-eye displays.

3. Building Displays That Last

However, in order to facilitate microLED displays’ widespread acceptance in the automotive, consumer electronics, and digital signage industries, optimizing their operational lifetime and longevity is imperative. 

Interestingly, microLEDs have considerably longer lifespans than traditional LEDs, which are already superior to conventional display technologies. This guarantees lower upkeep expenses, fewer replacements, and an all-around more sustainable lighting option.

MicroLED Testing: Some Recent Case Studies

MicroLED testing is being conducted by a number of firms, including Plessey Semiconductors Ltd., Ostendo Technologies, Inc., Sony, Samsung, LG, Tianma, PlayNitride, TCL / CSoT, Jasper Display, and Jade Bird Display. 

Let’s examine some of the notable case studies of MicroLED testing:

  1. Radiant Vision Systems: 

Radiant Vision Systems has been attempting to overcome the difficulties associated with microLED display inspection. They have created a pixel-level measuring and uniformity correction (demura) system that guarantees visually flawless display quality and assists manufacturers in reaching their objectives for developing efficient MicroLED displays.

They have also released a white paper describing MicroLED quality and manufacturing advancements.

  1. Hamamatsu: 

Hamamatsu has created an inspection system that uses the photoluminescence (PL) measurement technique for microLED wafers. This method makes high-speed, non-contact, non-destructive, automatic wafer inspection of micro LEDs possible.

  1. Coherent: 

Coherent has created a brand-new integrated laser system for the production of microLEDs. The fabrication process involves three steps: repair/trimming, laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT), and laser lift-off (LLO). Combining these could reduce production costs.

  1. Electroluminescent (EL) Testing: 

The latest development in MicroLED technology is EL testing. This provides the complete electrical response of MicroLED wafers in addition to wavelength information and is considered the gold standard for determining if dies on a wafer are suitable for transfer to displays. On the other hand, photoluminescent (PL) testing only provides wavelength information about MicroLED wafers.

Patent Landscape of MicroLED Testing

The microLED technology has seen a surge in patent activity. 

  • Over 350 separate organizations had submitted nearly 5,500 MicroLED-related patents as of the end of the previous year.  
  • The rate of patent filing is growing exponentially, as 40% of the patents were filed in 2019
  • Companies like Radiant Vision Systems, InZiv, and Hamamatsu have been at the forefront of developing and implementing rigorous testing methodologies for microLEDs.

Analysis of the Patent Landscape 

The patent landscape for microLED testing is rapidly evolving. Display makers, who were initially dismissive of microLEDs, have now started to dominate the IP activity.  Also, intellectual property (IP) activity and microLED investment have gained exponential traction since 2015. 

All leading consumer electronic companies, panel, and LED makers accelerated their microLED development efforts. For example,

In 2018, equipment manufacturers, material suppliers, and other industry players joined them as microLED production approaches volume production. 

These players saw an opportunity to provide specialized tools and materials to the microLED market.

Opportunities for New Patents 

Ambitious newcomers still have opportunities to build credible portfolios in the microLED testing domain. Businesses that still need to be made aware of the potential of organic LED (OLED) may find their goals thwarted by the high capital expenditure needed or a precarious intellectual property position. 

In contrast, microLED offers a more level playing field. With augmented reality (AR) glasses, microLEDs have the potential to overtake other display technologies quickly. Thus, there is a big chance for new patents in the field of microLED testing.

Final Note

MicroLEDs promise to revolutionize displays, but only if they’re rigorously tested for durability and quality. These key testing steps are vital to ensure long-lasting, high-performance displays. Companies should also keep track of the rapidly evolving patent landscape in microLED testing, highlighting the need for innovative solutions. 

As microLEDs inch closer to mainstream adoption, there’s immense scope for developing new, patentable testing methods. These advancements will address current limitations and pave the way for a future filled with brighter, more durable displays.